onion seedlings in the ground
yesterday i planted the cauliflower and broccoli seedlings into the garden. we're supposed to get rain for the foreseeable future, so we thought they and the onion seedlings would like to be out in it. here's a photo of a young cruciferous; they're probably almost two inches tall -- some of them seemed to have grown since i planted them yesterday!
and here are the onions in their biodegradable containers. we've been hardening them off for a week or more, so we figured it was time to move them from the portable desk into the ground. i replanted all of these today -- copra onions (long-storing -- should be good next spring, if we have any left); mars red onions (medium-storing); and bianca di maggio (short-storing flat 'cioppino' onions). we planted at least 300 onion seedlings, 3" apart, in rows 1-2 feet apart. we'll start harvesting them for spring onions in just a month or two.
the lettuces in the stump last year scattered their seeds so we have a bunch of tiny lettuces coming up in there. todd also moved two of our arugulas to the stump from the cold frame a couple of weeks ago, and they are taking the transplant well. in the background there's also the window from our cold frame and what's left of our woodpile for the year!
some of the greens we planted in the cold frame are tall enough to harvest. the cold frame also has radishes coming up in it.
our garlics are getting pretty tall! lots of greens have reseeded in here and we're going to have to thin them. the cilantro has also started coming up in here.
what else...? oh! of course there are the peas... just about an inch tall and coming up so strongly and greenly. yay peas!
finally, the little buds: blueberry buds and lil
ac buds. the lilac buds are only about an inch tall; this pic is a super close-up. also; johnny jump-ups everywhere. tasty and purty.