cold night

last night got below freezing -- 28 degrees! there was a white frost on the grass in the shade when i looked out at the garden at 8am. we let most stuff weather it -- mostly we've got only early, cold-tolerant things like onions, brocs and caulis, peas and greens. but we did plant squash on friday the 15th, and cucumbers on sunday or monday. so we covered the squash (pumpkin, zuke, butternut, yellow) with plastic overnight, and we covered each cuke seedling with a yogurt container. so far today, they look like they survived. predicted 32 degrees tonight, so we'll have to do it again.

generally, though, it's getting warmer. the lilacs buds should open next week; the blueberry is budding; the hummers humming and tweeting. and butterflies everywhere! apple trees blanketed in pink-white blossoms. we did the apple grafts around may 9th...? maybe a little late...? prairie sky, golden del, gala, macoun, liberty... and one other one i can't remember right now. don't know if any of those took.


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