sell your soul
i'm having a long-term anxiety attack. hundreds of thousands, seriously, of dollars in student loans and no plan. no plan at all.
the saddest part: was all that education worth it? the honest answer is no. not at all. i spent a decade in higher education figuring out what i *don't* want to do. and now i'm beholden to our gross federal government for the rest of my gross federal life.
the funny thing is, i'm probably going to end up being an english teacher and making less than $25,000 a year. what do these figures suggest about the priority of education in this country? compared to the gross federal dollars spent elsewhere. my education: not worthy of a national investment. the education of your children: also not worthy of a national investment. instead, we can spend our money somewhere else -- let's not name names, the grossly obvious priorities of our government in its spending decisions speak for themselves.
i'm scared. sad. angry. overeducated. underemployed. listeless, apathetic. an unremarkable memeber of my generation.
the saddest part: was all that education worth it? the honest answer is no. not at all. i spent a decade in higher education figuring out what i *don't* want to do. and now i'm beholden to our gross federal government for the rest of my gross federal life.
the funny thing is, i'm probably going to end up being an english teacher and making less than $25,000 a year. what do these figures suggest about the priority of education in this country? compared to the gross federal dollars spent elsewhere. my education: not worthy of a national investment. the education of your children: also not worthy of a national investment. instead, we can spend our money somewhere else -- let's not name names, the grossly obvious priorities of our government in its spending decisions speak for themselves.
i'm scared. sad. angry. overeducated. underemployed. listeless, apathetic. an unremarkable memeber of my generation.
it boggles.