ghosts in my head
so there is this person in my head. she is analytical, socially-conscious, interested in what is "right" and just and true. she countenances no hypocracy, no compromise, no inadequacy. in my dreams, she is a man. she rolls her eyes at superstition, she ridicules those who fail to toe the line.
there is another person in my head. she is insecure, afraid, interested in whether or not other people like her and whether or not they will accept her and be kind to her. she worries that when people leave, they will not come back, and they will never want to talk to her or see her again. in my dreams, sometimes she is a little girl. she hides and usually threatened. but sometimes in my dreams she is a ghost, a shimmery, crying figure that just moves toward and toward and toward me. when she moves toward me, i cannot move away, and my mouth doesn't work.
the question: why am i afraid of her? what might she do?

the question: why am i afraid of her? what might she do?