
i have a headache, slight, but that might be because i am going to get my period soon. it might also be because i haven't had a cup of tea today, and my body is used to at least two by now. it might be because the wind is blowing like crazy, seeping through all of the creeks and cracks in the house. i think it's a steady 19 mph now -- one of those days where the actual temp is 35, but it feels like 20. it's okay, though, because today is the vernal equinox. did you know that? will you do anything to mark this day? i feel like i should, but haven't come up with anything very good yet. send me a suggestion. i feel tired even though i slept nine hours. i had a terribly scary dream last night, though. these zombie-like people were everywhere -- they were diseased, and part of the disease attacked the brain, making them attack and eat people. i was hiding with my brother. i had been scratched, which meant i was in big trouble. that was all it took to begin the disease process, rotting flesh, etc. after hiding for awhile, we decided to turn on the lights to collect things and try to make a run for it. when we did, i saw that the scratch on my arm had actually healed into a long scar, overnight. no one was known to have come in contact with this disease and not contracted it. i felt sort of like someone with a superpower. magical blood.


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