witness: rough draft
hard left, then climb up the mountain
past the split-legged juniper
around the crowding alder thicket impossible,
then sidehill: no elevation gained or lost
thread between rock and pine
another climb, steep pinecone alley
treacherous as ice
at the end (beginning), a spring
wide trickle seeps over thick blue limestone slab
black-capped chickadees come closer.
look up into towering ponderosas, psuedotsuga
notice how their red-scale south facing boles, one after another,
face me.
staggered near and far along the slope,
keen and curious tree-family peer around shoulders
over heads, watching expectantly.
for a moment i see them see me.
i see them all: the hundreds of tree-beings, the songbirds
the squirrels the rocks the stream
eyes prick bright with tears of relief
i am held.
how could i ever have thought i was alone?