yesterday I planted raspberries, in alpha order E to W:
Autumn Britten
Fall Gold

I put them in just south of the old cottonwood stump, on the edge of the yard. Farther east, I planted a mulberry, right inside the property line as well. To the west, just W of the lilac, I put in a blackberry and then, about 12 feet away, a grape. Go grape! I think it's a Mars variety but can't remember just now.

Also put a clematis on the south side of the porch, to vine up the railings.

Still need to put in the strawbs and asparagus, and the fruit trees: plum, pear, apple, cherry and apricot. More to come on that (incl varieties).

Peas in the ground, though they'll need row cover to germinate. The inside-started seeds are doing so well! Tomatoes, peppers, onions, broc and melons. Also some zinnias. :)


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