memorial day weekend

so... we spent the whole day in the garden on friday and got everything in the ground. (well, almost everything...) anne came over for the weekend and we had a great fishing trip in teh rain on sunday. took her to our secret spot and she actually caught a fish. it's tough, technical fishing, so even though it was only an 8-incher it was something to be proud of.
we ate lots of good food all weekend, and we went morel hunting on monday and had great luck. five pounds -- alhtough we dehydrated a third and sauteed and froze the rest and suddenly it didn't look like sucha bounty. mushrooms really cook down. it was the first mushroom hunt i've ever done and it was *so* much fun. who knew? we hiked into a burned area from last fire season because morels go crazy after a fire, they say. the trail was up a creek with two huge waterfalls, and the creeks' in full runoff so it was really intense.