two of wands -- personal power/dominion

today i spent waaaaay too much money at the grocery store, but i'm glad. still -- $300!! but i got lotsa stuff on and off my list, includign some kindey support stuff i've been wanting to try. we got milk thistle and some cal-mag supplements i've really been needing, too. i bought a bunch of incense, patchouli and frankincense and jasmine and, of course, my old standby: nag champa (sandalwood). they put this little sample package in there they call "superhit" (hee hee), which has a yummy smell and is supposed to "increase the positive and decrease the negative energy for all birth signs." well who can say no to that? i really like it, but i've *never* seen it for sale on its own. if i did, i'd buy it.

we also got a little venus flytrap, a plant todd is fascinated with. they're very hard to keep alive but we're going to make every effort. we get little bug infestations in the house from time to time (aphids, ants, fruitflies, etc.) and i think it should definitely be able to survive on those pickins. todd's wanting to start a little fly farm for the vft, but i think that's going overboard... at least for now. they like humidity, so we've set it in a little bowl of water (on rocks). it's surrounded by lotsa other plants, some hydroponic, so it should definitely get the air-water its looking for. any ideas for names?

the vft and a bunch of other plants have found a new home in the erstwhile fly-tying room. since todd never actually tied flies there (instead leaving feathers and deer hair and hooks all over the REST of the house), and since it has some of the best light in the house, which is otherwise never appreciated/used, i designated it as my new space. i set up a little desk there with my laptop for some writing projects. i put up some of my favorite pictures, and a little frame for a picture i want to change regularly with new pictures that strike me. the first to grace the featured frame is one i took during my last visit to great falls. on a walk along the frozen missouri i snapped a picture of a smelter that has a little eternal flame, burning, i assume, gas emissions of some sort. geese were coming to land on the ice in front of the plant, with the olympic-like fire blowing in the background. weird.

<---- this is sorta like that picture, but i couldn't scan in the one with the geese in in because it's in the frame in my room.

i also stacked my tarot studies books and my decks there, with a place to burn sage and incense and candles while i do my daily readings. today i got the two of wands, a card that indicates charisma and personal power, self-confidence and self-assuredness. hmmm...

other than that, i failed to take advantage of the lovely weather today. it was 50! but pretty windy -- too windy to go fishing. so instead we waited for the predicted rain to come and justify our indoors-ness, but it never came. still hasn't. in fact, what am i doing...? i'm going for a walk.


Anonymous said…
brooke said…
perfect. thank you.

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