According to astro.com, my horoscope today is as follows: "Today your thoughts are on light topics, and you find it difficult to take things seriously. Your good mood will affect every encounter today, making conversations agreeable, sociable and friendly, punctuated with humor. You are not likely to have any patience with serious or heavy topics, although you are willing to discuss relationships and matters pertaining to love and affection. You will find it very easy to express love and affection for others today, even if you are usually tongue-tied. If you want to say something to make a favorable impression on someone, you will succeed today. You can win people over by what you say and how you say it. This influence also favors commercial transactions and negotiations, particularly in the entertainment field." (This describes the transit: Venus conjunction Mercury.)
I don't think I have ever, ever felt that way in my life, i.e. impatient with serious topics, spending the day with my "thoughts... on light topics." Have you? What is that like? I find myself usually occupied with the raw and brutal, the why, the meaning the meaning the meaning. What are light topics? Weather? Gossip?
Today the snow is thicklying piley. It's good to see snow, which has been staying away for the past two months. It's supposed to be 13 degrees on Friday... soooo much colder than it has been. globally warming. my parents got two feet of snow in d.c. and lost their power for 20 hours. mom said she was going to cry it was so cold. she was joking, but something like that's gotta getcha thinking...
what will you do when the revolution comes? when the electricity isn't running? when your water comes from the nearest stream to your house? where is that? do you know? what is its status, is it polluted, filled with fertilizer run off? livestock shit? how long do you think we can get away with this?